Our Services

Government relations can be a powerful asset for membership organizations, providing strategic advocacy and policy expertise to help them navigate complex legislative and regulatory processes. With Congress frequently delegating authority to federal agencies to determine key implementation details for new policies and programs, it is essential for organizations to stay informed and engaged. Our team specializes in health policy, offering tailored analysis, direct advocacy, and regulatory guidance to ensure our clients understand how these policy decisions impact them—and, more importantly, how they can influence outcomes to align with their goals. Through proactive engagement with lawmakers and federal agencies, we help organizations amplify their voice, protect their interests, and drive meaningful change in the evolving policy landscape.

Legislative Advocacy

We understand the pace and pulse of Congress. We know what’s moving through the legislative process and why. Our knowledge and understanding of the legislative process can help ensure that your issue gets linked to the right bill, at the right time.

We support our client’s advocacy efforts by offering:

Strategic Planning

Who is the right Member to sponsor our legislation and who you should avoid? What is the best approach for educating Members on the issue? We work with our clients to answer important questions like these to develop the right legislative strategy for them.

Relationship Building

We establish and maintain working relationships with key Congressional offices and Committee staff so that our clients can stay ahead of important legislation that can impact their business decisions. Knowing which Congressional offices to communicate with as well as the most effective way to communicate with each office is necessary to make sure an organization’s voice will be heard.

Regulatory Advocacy

We understand that our clients need to be properly positioned to have their voice heard in the regulatory process. We know how to navigate the bureaucracy of each Federal Agency to pinpoint where our clients’ voice will be most effective and can best serve as a resource to the Agency, and carefully monitor the actions of Federal Agencies to identify where there are areas of interest for our clients as well as for opportunities to participate in the regulatory process.

We support our clients in the Regulatory Process through:


Regulatory Analysis
  • Submitting formal comments on proposed rules and regulations;
  • Identifying vacancies on Federal advisory boards and helping our clients throughout the nomination process;
  • Monitor Notices and Guidance documents that affect the business operations of our clients and their members;
  • Analyzing the complexities of a rule or regulation on how it directly and indirectly affects our clients.
Staff Member Meetings

Facilitating meetings with the staff members within the Agencies who are in the best position to understand our clients’ position and affect change.

Policy Tracking & Analysis

Understanding how the actions of the Federal Government affect an Association’s members or the health sector enables that organization to make informed decisions. Capitol Associates provides regular policy tracking and analysis to our clients to help them stay ahead of the curve and to develop a strategy for expressing concerns and insight where needed.

Capitol Associates policy tracking and research includes:


Regular Reporting

Our team provides written reports on the progress of relevant legislation, regulations, nominations etc. This information is presented to our clients through regular updates via meetings, conference calls and webinars.

Research Projects

In-depth research projects and white papers are performed and produced by our team as an effort to properly inform our clients and provide this most valuable information for strategic plans.

Speaking Engagements

Our team is regularly asked to deliver keynote speeches and presentations at special events. Presentations can range from broad trends in healthcare and government to more focused topics. 

Our Office

1009 Duke Street

Alexandria, VA 22314

Contact Us

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 9am – 5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed